Kimmie Price

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Realizing. Learning.

Life is a constant Realization. We go through each day learning and understanding concepts, principles, lessons, others, and most importantly, ourselves. One thing that I've grown to understand is that growth is never ending. As an adolescent, I would hear adults say things like "I'm still learning" or "I'm a work in progress" and "God is not done with me yet". That confused me, because I somehow though adulthood was this ultimate brink of known. I thought learning was for children.

Life has proved that theory wrong. In fact, learning is most beneficial to adults. Being an adult is a realization with in itself. One day you open your eyes and realize, you aren't a child anymore, not just physically or with age, but mentally. Along with that realization, comes another, the realization that yes, now that I'm an adult, i must know that I'm just beginning to truly learn. 

Never stop learning. Learning is growth. Growth is life. Realize this, growth is key.