Change, it's good.

Change is something I've always enjoyed but I could never understand why. I remember growing up, I'd often change the way my furniture was arranged in my room. I remember how it made me feel. It made me feel different, renewed, and refreshed with a new start. 

I realized that this trait would follow me throughout life and it always bothered me. I can never sit still in one place for an extended period of time, I'm constantly on the go and constantly thinking about how I can be better, change for the better, and grow better. 

I found myself getting content with where I was and I felt myself becoming comfortable with my life, job, finances, and life in general. I started to settle in my mind, "this is the way I'm supposed to live for the rest of my life" knowing deep down inside I wanted more out of life, but that consistency was so key for me at this point. I felt that this is what being stable feels and looks like. 


A huge change took place within that comfort zone and at first, I looked at it negatively, not knowing that God would open a door for me that I would not have ever imagined. The biggest change of a lifetime that has already affected me in such a strong way. In this moment I realized that stability is not rooted in being content in one place, it's being content in the plan and will of God for your life and being confident that his changes are stable. 

God has a way of showing us his plans, his change is the best change. 




Paper Flowers x Rendezvous At Two