
I created this playlist a few months back in a space where God had challenged me to enter into musical worship for 30 days straight. (I say musical worship because worship is a lifestyle and we worship God through all that we do.)

During this 30 days I recognized alot about the way that I worship God in song. The first few days went well as I entered in. I was excited and I felt filled up at the end of my time with him each day. The music I was worshiping to spoke exactly to my heart and to situations I was facing. After 4 days or so I started to get super bored honestly and I dreaded doing it. It was annoying and I wasn’t being filled up. The songs I was worshiping to were not speaking to my situations anymore. So I began to scan through my library looking for songs to cater to my feelings. God stopped me in my tracks and said “what about me? Just me?”

This convicted me because I realized that my song worship was about feeding my feelings and catering to my sensations. I realized that I rarely worship God just for the sake of wanting him and him alone. So, I created this playlist. Each song on this playlist is geared to direct our hearts, minds, and souls toward God alone. It is a declaration that God in and of himself is enough. It is an affirmation of intimacy with God and a laying down of our own motives and desires in his presence.

Add this playlist to your library on apple music, spotify, or tidal.



Respond x Travis Greene


Vulnerability: Fear & Freedom.