Kimmie Price

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Turning your "but" into "but GOD"

Faith is faith, no IFs, ANDs, or BUTs

Quote: "Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase." MLKjr

Faith is a hard concept for many of us to grasp. We don't really understand believing that something will happen with no solid proof or stability. Many of take living in reality too far, discrediting God and all that he is capable of doing. Someone may tell us to "have faith in God" and our response sounds something like "I do but the reality of the situation is...". We don't realize how powerful the "but" in that sentence is. The only thing that should follow "but" is God because he has the power to take any situation and turn it completely around no matter how big or small.

Having faith is a concept that I learned in a very rough time in my life. I had given up on seeking God for his purpose because I was in such a low place. I saw no way out and I started to seek for pathways out on my own, failing to seek God and have faith in the journey that he had placed me on. It took a hurricane of events and some downfalls for me to finally realize that having faith in God is the only way that I can survive. 

In your low moments, I encourage you to believe and take a step out on faith. Yes it is hard because having faith requires a bit of an imagination. You have to believe that what you are in need of is already there, because God can and he will provide it. You have live life in need as if your needs are already met. You have to look at an empty cup and see it as overflowing. You have to have bills due but believe that they have already been paid. Hebrews 11:1 says that is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. This simply means that by faith we can already thank God for providing the things we need without actually seeing them. 

I encourage you to open up your imagination a bit. Stop discrediting God's abilities with "but". Stop letting reality overshadow your faith in God. The true reality is that God will provide if we just have faith. I know that it's hard and I know you are truly stressed and worried about some things but just place those worries in God's hands, have faith, and live as if he has already done it for you because all things work together for the good. 

Be Blessed.