david robinson

NFL Wide REceiver Coach

web design
content development

For this project, I had the opportunity to design and develop the official website of David Robinson, a renowned NFL wide receiver coach and the President and CEO of D-Rob Sports & Fitness Training. My design approach focused on creating a dynamic and professional online presence that showcases David's expertise and the impressive achievements of his athletes. The website features a clean, modern layout and intuitive navigation, allowing visitors to easily explore training programs, testimonials, and success stories. I authored all of the copy for the website, including articles that highlight the remarkable success of David’s athletes in college and NFL football, emphasizing their journeys and accomplishments. Additionally, I created a "link in bio" for David's social media platforms, ensuring seamless connectivity and enhanced user engagement across all digital touchpoints. By blending strategic design with compelling content and social media integration, I aimed to provide an engaging user experience and reinforce David Robinson's brand as a premier leader in sports and fitness training.




Michael Kidd-Gilchrist