God Forgives.

Embarrassed. Ashamed. Annoyed. Angry. Emotional. Sad. Guilty.

Feelings that mistakes bring us. 

If we relate on this, you'll understand and this will hit home. Mistakes literally disable me. When I make one, I recluse. I remove myself from social interactions period. For a short time, I stop calling people I call everyday, Binge crying, in hopes of understanding & peace. 

Dealing with a mistake isn't as easy as people explain. "Ask God to forgive you and move on" they say. It's not that easy. Asking God to forgive you is one part, yes, but dealing with the guilt and working to overcome the mistake is another part. Being sure not make that same mistake over and over again is the challenge. 

Overcoming any downfall or mistake requires a realization that you NEED forgiveness. If you are not convicted, you apology to God  and to yourself isn't going to stand. You will end up falling back into the same or similar mistake. 

Here's how I deal:

  • I take alone time. I like to be in a space where I can be intimate with God.
  • I thank God for his mercy that he has shed upon me.
  • I ask God to forgive me of whatever it is I feel I need forgiving for.
  • I then talk to him. I ask him to reveal those challenging questions that I need to ask myself. I tell him how making the mistake has affected me. I tell him how I feel and I ask that he heal me.

I think it's important to remember Romans 3:23 "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God". This scripture gives me hope in knowing that falling short is inevitable. There is not perfect person, not on this entire earth. God forgives. 




Stay x Goapele ft. BJ the Chicago Kid