
That one person who always has something negative to say about everything. They need to feel right and to feel right that means you need to be wrong. These people seem to desire control over everything. They never stop to realize that they might not be the ONLY person who knows anything. They are the know-it-alls. They always have an answer to everything, whether it be the right answer or the wrong answer. They just need to be the answer. 

I've grown to realize that these type of people are constant, meaning, that they are everywhere you go. I remember in high school, feeling like "I can't wait to graduate to get away from this person" (lol) then I got to college and boom, there was another person. 


It's annoying. Yes, but these people are vital to your growth, believe it or not. It teaches you to be sure of yourself, no matter what. It allows you the opportunity to build strength and confidence in your contributions and ideas. These people teach you how to deal. Period. 

The way in which you deal with these people determines your growth. Do you allow them to step on you or do you LEVEL UP. 

Here recently I've began to level up. It's hard, because it's easy to just let things slide but really it's even harder to deal with how you feel. Leveling up doesn't mean snapping back at whoever it may be. It could simply mean defending you stance or even better letting that person know they need to quit. (lol) You never know they may not even realize that they are being antagonists. 


3 Months x Shay Lia


God Forgives.