
Recent reflections of my have brought me to the computer to write. The past few weeks I've been truly reflecting on God and what he has done in my life, how he's directed me and drawn out my path. I'm watching as he reveals his plans for me and I'm amazed. 

I remember being young I wanted to be a lawyer. I thought that's what would make my parents proud and also make me lots of money. Now knowing myself, I realize I was sadly mistaken. God has not gifted me with that ability, instead he called me to create. 

As children, we dream and hope of what we will become in life and we set these blind goals for ourselves, based on the opinions of others, not even knowing that we aren't in control. God is. He knows every twist and turn that your life will take, every obstacle, challenge, change, success, and victory. He knows. Finding comfort in that has come to me. 

Accepting what God allows is easier said than done but is necessary to inner-peace. 



