The Blessing in NO

Rejection hurts.

Quote: When God has selected you, it doesn't matter who else has rejected or neglected you. God's favor outweighs all opposition. 

No. You aren't good enough. You are too young. You are too old. You are inexperienced. You'll never amount to anything. You can't. You won't. No. No. No. 

No. A word we often go to war with. A word we say we won't or will never accept. No. A two letter word so powerful that it can ruin your entire day, week, or even year. No even has had the power to ruin lives, if we let it. 

Our reactions to being told no can often be poisonous to us. We get angry, we get sad, we cry, we yell, we scream, we fight, we argue, we battle, and the worst thing we do is seek revenge on the No. We want so badly for the no to be a yes we don't stop and seek the lesson in the no. 

Sometimes God does send people to say No to us in order to protect us, to guide us to the right yes, to shield us from the wrong people, the wrong business, and the wrong crowd. Too many times in life have we sought after things and have been rejected. We fight and we plead with God asking "why". Most of the time God is the why. We don't even understand that he is the one setting us up for our blessing or blocking us from the enemy. If God be for us who can be against us. So when you are told No, when you are told you can't, when you are told that you won't succeed, when you are told you are inexperienced, when you are told that you aren't good enough just remember that God has selected you, outweighing those who have rejected and neglected you. Remember that when you are in line with God's plans you have to expect rejection, trouble, and tribulations to come but rest assure that he will bring you through. 

I encourage you to stay strong in the Lord so that you can recognize him in your rejection. In those moments of frustration and anger in the rejection, try not to respond. Take the time to calm down and talk to God because he is bigger than your opposition. When you are rejected, count it al joy because all things work together for the good. 

Be Blessed.



Turning your "but" into "but GOD"


Allowing Your Purpose To Find You