Allowing Your Purpose To Find You

Stop Searching.

Quote: Learn to get in touch with the silence within yourself, and know that everything in life has purpose. There are no mistakes, no coincidences, and all events are blessings given to us to learn from.

Purpose is powerful. When you discover your purpose it's as if everything in life aligns even your problems, trials and tribulations line up ever so clear to remind you that you are on the correct purpose driven path. Getting to the point where you are living through the purpose that God has drawn out for you can be difficult because we are blinded by what we perceive as our purpose. 

A lot of times in life we create these plans and these roadmaps for our success and we forget to consult God on what he had planned and purposed for us. We get ourselves excited and all happy about what we have planned for our future. We act on impulse and we seek out validation on what we are planning to do. We ask our friends, "Hey, do you think this is a good move for me" or "Do you think this is the way that I should go", both questions that we often never stop to ask God. We just go on perceiving what our purpose is in our own eyes and we move forward. The crazy thing is that we are human, we don't know what is to come. So guess what, our perception of our purpose changes so many times leaving us confused and disrupted leading us down a road of depression and self doubt. Which is when we find ourselves in pitty begging God to show us his purpose and plan. (We should have done that from the beginning)

The amazing thing about God is that while we perceive all of these different purposes for ourselves, God knew about our true purpose before we were ever conceived and he only had one in mind. He doesn't go through each day changing up how our lives are to be purposed. We step out of those plans making it so much harder to live. We search for our purpose in all of the wrong places. We try so many different paths and take so many different journeys until we get tired and frustrated and return to God, the one true purpose that we always had.

My encouragement for you is to stop searching for your purpose and allow your purpose to find you because it will, through God. Transition your searching efforts to searching and seeking after God's own heart, because when you find God, your purpose will find you. 

Don't be discouraged and don't be disrupted when you feel like you are off of your path because All things work together for the good. 

Be Blessed.


The Blessing in NO


Taste Life