My Story

God's Glory.

Quote: "I'm no longer accepting the things I cannot change... I'm changing the things I cannot accept" -Angela Davis

Our plans seem be our ultimate vision in life. We go through each and everyday pursuing the plans that we created in our heads for ourselves. We ignore all signs from God saying NO, and we continue... so we think. God allows us to go along thinking our plans are his plans but he's sitting back steering the car, even when we think we are the sole driver. My story is yet unfolding but I found out early that God puts through tests and trials to make us stronger, smarter, and most of all more aware of him. 

The past year has been a difficult one for me. I graduated from College a year early in May of 2015 and God placed me in Corporate America exactly 2 months later. He blessed me with a fancy job, with a fancy salary, and a fancy apartment that was only 2 minutes from my office. Just what I imagined growing up, being well off in a nice place with a nice car and commute. Everything was just the way I had planned. 

Upon starting my job I was sent to train in California at our company's HQ. This is where I began to loose my self identity and purpose. I fell into a trap where all I thought about was how much money I was going to make, how I was going to settle my debts, and buy so many nice things. I literally was a money driven fool. 

I returned home from training and life was great, for about a week. After this week, I realized that this job was going to bring me some of the hardest, most difficult experiences that I had ever faced. Instead of turning to God I turned to depression and I fell into a dark dark place where no one could find me. I fell into the cycle. I was waking up, barely dressing myself correctly for work, going to work, coming home, and sleeping all while owning a very very large food consumption. I gained over 30 pounds which pushed me further into depression. I was crying every single day on my lunch break and I would often take small breaks and walk to my car to cry. I lost all faith in God and let the trials of my job become part of who I was. I felt that I had no purpose there and I believed that God had forsaken me, throwing me into a place where I felt completely alone. (silly me)

As the months passed by, depression grew deeper and my mother began to notice. Little did she know I had been battling this for quite some time. She began to pray for me and fight for me spiritually. She refused to let the devil have my mind. As the time progressed I got better and better and I began to look at my position in a more positive light, finding lessons in my storm that were preparing me for greater. 

In February of 2016 God placed it on my heart to start a side business, DramatiK Media. I started taking photos of all my friends, co-workers, and family for free to build my portfolio. I had a large amount of support through this which drove me to continue and even raise my pricing. DramatiK Media began to overwhelm my time. Simultaneously I began facing more challenges on my job, which were becoming fatal to my career at this company. 

In April, I was forced to remove myself. This was the hardest moment of my life to date. I was sick to my stomach. I had to give up my lease to my fancy apartment and I moved to Dallas with no steady source of income. This is where my faith in God had to grow and it was another lesson that I had to take heed too. I was forced to realize that God is the supreme employer and payday doesn't come when we want it but it comes right on time. I learned that my pursuit of money would not get me anywhere. Pursuing God would be the only way that I was to make it.

God blessed me to be able to work for myself, yes, DramatiK Media became DramatiK Media, LLC, my sole source of income. I don't know how, all I can say is God. 

I want to encourage you to hold on. Don't count your misery, trials, and tribulations as defeat. You have to put a different spin on it. Think positively because God doesn't intend for us to be unhappy, he places us in storms so that we know how to live through the sunshine. He allows us to go THROUGH things to prepare us for GREATER. You're time is coming, don't give up, don't lose site of God, and if you don't know God during this tough time, you should get to know him.

My story isn't over. But I'm blessed that he gave me this story because I know that there are people out there who need it. They need to know that stepping out of faith in God's timing is key. Living according to his purpose and his plan is way BETTER than living according to our own. 

I encourage you to subscribe to my blog and continue to read my story as God allows it to unfold. 

Thank you for reading.




Taste Life