Taste Life

Quote:  "Don't let fear or insecurity stop you from trying new things. Believe in yourself. Do what you love. And most importantly, be kind to others, even if you don't like them."

If you're anything like me, food is just one of those things you are particular about. I actually don't prefer to eat different types of food and I defintely don't eat everyone's cooking. Living in Dallas for such a short time I've come to select a very select few places I like to eat and I don't venture from that. Today I had the courage to try a new restaurant and it was the BEST food I've had since living here, however this isnt the point of this post. As I was eating I realized something new about God...

God doesnt intend for us to be complacent with where he has placed us and he desires for us to expierence greater. We have to learn to be open to  new experiences. 

I know for me, I have set plans that I set out to carry out each day and when something throws my schedule off, my day is ruined. But I've leanred alot of times God throws my schedule off to open new doors for me, enhance my horizon, create paths for me to meet new clients, or simply to shiled me from the hands of the enemy. 

I encourage you to let God be God. Taste Life. Don't let you routine be the end all be all. Don't let your usual be your set in stone. Let God lead you because All things work together for the good.

Be Blessed  


Allowing Your Purpose To Find You


My Story