New Beginnings

After The Storm

Quote: "Everyday is new beginning, stay away from what might have been and look at what can be."

I've been contemplating how to approach the topic of new beginnings. I was just waiting on the right message from god to write. 

Often, while in the storm, we are miserable and we have put so much faith in God to bring us out but we still seem to be fighting things on every end. We are so consumed with our problems and issues that we don't actually see that the storm has ended and the rain has let up. We take everyday problems and we find ourselves saying "Lord when is it going to end?" We can't even see that season has passed. 

New Beginnings doesn't mean that bad things won't happen to you or that you can expect a perfect life. New beginnings simply means that the storm God was allowing you to go through has come to an end and you have received the blessing and the lesson from it. You are still going to be faced with difficulties and setbacks but because you've gone through much worse you should know how to depend on God and have faith in him. 

Stop thinking just because something small and unexpected happens to you that you are still in the storm. Recognize God's favor upon your life and move forward because the storm is over now. Rest in his goodness and know that his mercy is upon you. Walk in the light of God and don't be hesitant to try new things, meet new people, and pursue new relationships. You never know what God has for you, and may never know if you continue to wallow in the debris of the storm.  

I encourage you to walk in your new found peace and joy in the Lord. He will lead you as you move forward. Don't allow the enemy to trick you into thinking that your storm isn't over because God has said different. Understand that things happen and no matter what, all things work together for the good. 

Be Blessed. 


All Wrong

