Spirutal Growth Kimberly Price Spirutal Growth Kimberly Price

Guilt + Shame.

My feelings of guilt and shame usually feel the strongest right after I’ve realized what I’ve done or realized that I’m not “changing.” I try speaking into my situation that “Guilt is not of God” and “There is therefore now no condemnation…” I even try to remember that “we all sin and fall short…” I know it, yet, I don’t always feel it.

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Spirutal Growth Kimberly Price Spirutal Growth Kimberly Price

Me, Myself, & Pride.

I thought I was better, more equipped, more ready, and more deserving. I found myself looking at other people and (to myself) pointing out things in their life I felt disqualified them from the level of elevation or success that they were given (comparison).

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